

Notes de voyage

The arrival at the airport, the trip on the train, and the arrival to Poland was confusing. After a good time  spend in Krakow, we returned to Warsaw to travel, this time, to Biala Podlaska, where I would spend one of the best weeks of my life.

                Miss Asia, in a rush, handed out the project to every students. Daniel Caravela and I met Kuba Gluchowski, a Polish student who welcomed us. That night, when I went to bed, I was very anxious, because I didn’t know what to expect.

                The next day, my true adventure started, I met more Polish students. They are very nice and I wish I could meet them again one day!

                One of the things I liked the most was the food, which is delicious and very rich, although it is very different from ours. I was able to participle in making a salad, which was very interesting.

                Another thing that called my attention was the way Polish people feel about religion. There are churches everywhere, which are true master pieces and when I entered some of them, I could feel history present!

                I also loved the dancing lessons. They have a very rich folklore. I think my dancing lessons went rather well, despite their short time.

                We also had the opportunity to visit a farm with horses and I was delighted to be near them and with the beauty of these animals and the way they were taken care of. Each day I tried to learn a little more in all the activities that we participated and I had a lot of fun.

                From all the experiences I went through, the one I liked, the least was the weather, It was very cold! (ehehe) But I think no one does!

                I look forward to going back to Poland one day, because I miss them very much!

Gabriel Lima - Viana do Castelo, Portugal


Les adieux...

Le camp de concentration Majdanek - Lublin

Visite au palais baroque des Zamoyski et musée

Journée nationale de l´Éducation

Le 10 octobre est la Journée nationale de l´Éducation .

La direction et la mairie remettent des prix aux professeurs et aux membres du personnel.

Les partenaires du projet Comenius ont également été présentés à la communauté scolaire et ont reçu des cadeaux.

Les délégués de classe jurent respecter le règlement et honorer leur lycée au nom de leur classe.

Les élèves préparent un spectacle pour toute la communauté scolaire.

Deux élèves remettent une gerbe de fleurs sur la tombe des professeurs décédés.

Les festivités terminent avec un repas entre professeurs.

Atelier de danse traditionnelle polonaise

 Allez, un petit pas de danse...

Présentation des travaux

Chaque partenaire a présenté une tradition de son pays et des chants ou danses....